How Much Does It Cost to Develop an Audiobook App Like Audible?

How Much Does It Cost to Develop an App Like Audible?

Last updated on June 26th, 2024 at 07:43 am

Today, many people have to deal with time constraints and are still unable to complete routine tasks on time. Besides doing all the work, the time for our choices and dreams is zero. In such a case, audiobook apps are a great companion. Nowadays, Audiobooks are changing the way people learn and communicate with each other. However, some great apps offer convenience and accessibility to a wide range of audiences. Here is a complete guide for you about all the necessary points of how much does it cost to develop an app in 2024.

With apps like Audible which dominate the market, the demand for audiobook apps is continuously increasing. If you want to develop audiobook apps like Audible, then use our audiobook creation services and also know the vital Audiobook cost factors. Let’s discuss the key points that influence the development cost of the audible app and some other details.

Why Build Apps Like Audible?

Nowadays, people live in a digital world. Here readers prefer to connect with audiobooks and handwritten books. Audible app is a trending platform that allows lovers to listen to their choice of books, newspapers, magazines, and podcasts in audio form. Moreover, listeners can have access to such services from anywhere and anytime and get the advantages of Audible. However, at present Audible’s popularity is growing at a rapid pace as it creates an attractive business opportunity for entrepreneurs.

Let us now understand the reasons why you build audiobook apps like Audible in detail.

1.      The Growing Market

The market for audiobooks is currently growing at a great pace. Nowadays, there are several apps in the market such as Audible, Kobo, and many more. But, if you are looking for a suitable platform that can fulfill the needs of listeners then you are at the right place. By creating an Audiobook you can also enter into the growing market and generate high revenues.

2.      Help People With Busy Lifestyles

The modern lifestyle is running at a fast pace. People do not get enough time to fulfill their desires. To help them, audiobooks are the best, as they help people who have very little time for traditional forms of reading. Moreover, you can access audiobook apps from anywhere and also increase the listening limit with your favorite books.

3.      Great User Experience

Audible lets you listen to books instead of reading them. With the app, you can keep all your books in one place, change the size of the words and how fast they’re read out loud, and mark your place so you don’t get lost. This makes it easier to enjoy your books and customize your listening experience.

4.      Easy Accessibility

These audiobooks are great for people who have trouble reading, such as those who are visually impaired or have reading difficulties. They are also helpful for people who prefer listening to books in their native language, which means they can be enjoyed by a wide range of people.

5.      Proper Content Search

If you want to make your app more interesting, you can add audiobooks organized by type, popularity, or suggestions from other users. This will help your users find new and exciting stories, similar to how streaming apps suggest movies and TV shows.

6.      Great Potential Content

One way to make your audiobook app stand out from the competition is to offer exclusive content. By working with authors and publishers, you can create unique audiobooks that your users won’t find anywhere else. This can help attract more people to your app and provide them with fresh content to enjoy.

If you understand why, then it’s time to talk about the features of your Audible-like app development.

Factors Affecting the App Development Cost

Creating an app like Audible comes with a variety of features. The more features you involve in the application, the more will be its cost. Here we will define some factors that will affect the cost of audiobook app development.

1.      Platform Selection

Before creating an audiobook app, the first thing to decide is which devices it should work on. There are two main types of devices: iOS (which is used on iPhones and iPads) and Android (which is used on most other smartphones and tablets).

Developing for both types of devices is recommended if you want more people to be able to use the app, but it can be more expensive to create. The iOS development is generally easier, but there are strict rules that need to be followed. However, Android can be more difficult because many different types of devices use it.

2.      App Design and User Experience (UX)

Listening to audiobooks has never been easier, thanks to apps like Audible. The key to making these apps successful is to have an interface that is easy to use and navigate. This includes having a design that looks great, controls that are simple to operate, and features like bookmarks and progress tracking.

To make sure that the app works well on different types of devices, designers have to create different versions of the app for different screens and resolutions. Developing these apps can be expensive, but it is worth investing in good designers and testing the app with users to ensure that everyone has a great experience.

3.      Content Management and Licensing

Creating an audiobook app can be a costly process, especially when it comes to obtaining and managing the content. The fees for licensing popular books and negotiating with authors and publishers can be quite high, especially if the content is exclusive or a bestseller. It’s also important to have a system in place to organize and deliver audiobooks efficiently.

This involves using digital protection measures to prevent unauthorized copying. It provides options for offline downloading and cloud synchronization. Finding the right balance between the cost of obtaining content and the benefits it provides to users is key to success in this market.

4.      Audio Streaming and Infrastructure

Audiobook apps need to use a lot of data to give you the audio content you want to listen to. To make sure the app works well, it needs a strong computer system to store, send, and save the audio files.

This means using big computer services like Amazon Web Services or Google Cloud Platform that can help the app work faster and smoother, even if you don’t have the best internet connection. Making sure the app can handle a lot of people using it at the same time and that it always works well is very important. But this can be expensive and might need a lot of work to keep it going.

5.      Monetization Strategies

If you want to offer a free audiobook app, that’s great! But, you need to make sure to have ways to make money to keep the business running and make a profit. There are a few ways to do this. You can have a subscription model where users pay a monthly fee to access a library of audiobooks, or you can let users buy individual titles.

You could also have ads in the app, get sponsorship deals, or partner with creators. Figuring out how much to charge for the audiobooks and how much to share with the authors and publishers is important and takes some careful thinking.

6.      Regulatory Compliance and Security

When creating an audiobook app, it’s really important to make sure that user data is kept safe and secure. This includes things like payment information and what they’ve been listening to.

Some rules and regulations need to be followed to protect people’s privacy, especially for children. It’s important to invest in regular checks to make sure everything is as safe as possible. This might cost a bit more, but it’s worth it to make sure user data is kept private and protected.

How Much Does It Cost to Develop an Audiobook App Like Audible?

What Are The Must-Have Features For Audiobook Apps?

What Are The Must-Have Features For Audiobook Apps?

Nowadays, many people prefer to listen to books instead of reading them. Audiobooks are a great way to enjoy literature while on the go, and there are many apps available that make it easy to listen to your favorite books. If you want to create an app that stands out from the competition, it’s important to include features that users will find useful and enjoyable. Here are some features that every audiobook app should have:

Vast Library of Titles

Our audiobook library is packed with a wide range of genres to suit all tastes, including fiction, non-fiction, self-help, and classics. We’re always adding new releases and bestsellers to keep our users engaged and coming back for more.

User-Friendly Interface

The app has a simple and user-friendly design that helps you easily find and explore audiobooks. You can easily search and browse through different categories to find the audiobooks you’re interested in. Plus, many useful filters make it easier to find exactly what you’re looking for.

Personalized Recommendations

Our platform uses smart technology to suggest audiobooks that you might like based on your preferences and reading history. You can also customize the recommendation settings to receive tailored suggestions that best suit your interests.

Offline Access

You can now download audiobooks to your device and listen to them even when you don’t have an internet connection. This makes it easy to enjoy your favorite books wherever you are, without worrying about spotty Wi-Fi or using up too much storage on your device. You can choose to download just a few chapters or the entire book, depending on your preference.

Multi-Device Sync

Imagine being able to seamlessly switch between your phone, tablet, and computer without losing your place in your favorite book or podcast. With automatic syncing of your bookmarks, notes, and listening history, you can have a consistent experience across all your devices. So, you can pick up where you left off, no matter which device you’re using.

Variable Playback Speed

This feature lets you adjust the speed of audio playback to better suit your preferences. You can choose from slower speeds if you want to understand things better, or faster speeds if you want to get through the material more quickly. This allows you to customize your listening experience and get the most out of the content you’re listening to.

Sleep Timer

The app has a handy feature that lets you set a timer for how long you want to listen to something before it automatically stops playing. You can choose how long you want the timer to be or pick from a few pre-set options. This is great for anyone who likes to listen to audio before falling asleep or wants to limit their screen time.

Bookmarking and Note-taking

Our audiobook platform includes some awesome features that make it easy for you to keep track of your favorite parts and take notes while listening. You can mark your favorite passages, quotes, or important sections and quickly find them later with our bookmarking functionality. We also have a note-taking feature that allows you to jot down your thoughts, ideas, or any important information that you want to remember. These features make it easier to stay engaged with the audiobook and keep track of the parts that matter to you.

Accessibility Features

Our platform has features that make it easy for everyone to use, including those who have difficulty seeing or hearing. These features include the ability to listen to the text instead of reading it, fonts that are easy to read for people with dyslexia, and options to adjust the sound and speed of the content. We also work with tools that help people who use screen readers or other assistive technology to access our platform. This way, we make sure that everyone can use our platform, regardless of their abilities.

Social Sharing

Our audiobook app now allows you to easily share what you’re listening to, write reviews, and recommend titles to your friends and followers on social media. Plus, you can connect with other audiobook fans through our in-app community forums and discussion groups, where you can chat with others, get recommendations, and discover new titles to listen to.

Performance and Stability

Our app provides a seamless and dependable experience, ensuring you can listen to your favorite music without any disruptions. We consistently work to improve the app’s performance by releasing updates and fixing any bugs that may arise. This helps ensure that you always have a smooth and hassle-free experience when using our app.

Subscription Options

Our subscription plans are designed to suit everyone’s needs, whether you prefer monthly or annual payments, or want to pay for each book individually. As a subscriber, you’ll also enjoy added benefits such as access to exclusive premium content, discounts on purchases, and a listening experience free of ads.

Integration with E-Book Platforms

One great feature would be the ability to switch between reading and listening modes with ease. It would be even better to sync your notes and bookmarks between an audiobook and its e-book version, so you can pick up where you left off regardless of the format you’re using.

Cost of App Development like Audible

Are you planning to get an app like Audible? You must know “How much does it cost to develop an app?” Many people are curious about how much it costs to create an app like Audible. However, it’s difficult to give a precise answer because the cost can vary widely depending on several factors. One of the most significant factors that affect the cost of developing an audiobook app is how complex it is, as well as what features and functions the app needs to have.

When it comes to choosing a company to develop your mobile app, one important factor to consider is where the developers are located. For example, if the developers are located in the US or UK, they typically charge a much higher hourly rate of $90-$110. On the other hand, if the developers are based in India, they tend to charge a much lower hourly rate of $20-$70.

Developing an audiobook app can be quite expensive, typically ranging from $50,000 to $250,000 or even more. The cost can vary based on how complex the app is and other factors that determine the overall cost of the project. To give you a better idea of how much it might cost to build an audiobook app like Audible, here is a breakdown of the cost based on the app’s complexity.

Technology Stack for Developing an Audiobook App

eBizneeds, as a professional custom app development company, uses the right technology set for the development process. Below are some of the top technology stacks we use for the Audible like audiobook app development.

Sr. No.

Component Technology Used


Application & Data JQuery, React, Bootstrap, Amazon S3, Amazon, Amazon EC3, and Java
2. Backend & DevOps Log back, Symantec SSL, Neustar UltraDNS, Amazon S3, Live Journal, Dyn DNS, and FoxProxy
3. Analytics Adobe Target, Adobe Analytics, and Google Analytics
4. Marketing Rockerbox, Facebook, Amazon, and Extole
5. Plugins & SDKs

KITABOO SDK, Adobe Reader Mobile SDK, epuBear, and SkyePUB

How to Make Money from Audiobook Apps?

If you’re wondering how people make money from audiobook apps, there are different ways to do it. Below are some practical strategies that can help you earn revenue from audiobook apps:

1.      Subscription Model

You can provide people with a subscription plan that grants them access to your entire audiobook collection for a fixed fee that they can pay monthly or annually. You can offer different levels of subscriptions with different benefits to choose from, depending on what people like.

2.      Pay-Per-Listen

One idea to make audiobooks more affordable for occasional listeners is to charge them a small fee every time they listen to a book. This way, they can pay only for the content they consume and not have to worry about monthly subscription fees.

3.      Freemium Model

One way to make a mobile app more accessible is to offer a freemium model. This means that some basic features of the app, like a limited selection of audiobooks or basic functionality, can be used for free. However, if you want to access more options, like a wider range of titles or advanced features like offline listening, you can pay for them through in-app purchases or subscriptions.

4.      Advertisements

You can make money with your audiobook app by showing ads between chapters or when pausing playback. You can team up with advertisers to show ads that fit what your listeners like and who they are, so you can earn more from the ads.

5.      Sponsorships and Partnerships

One way to make more audiobooks available on your app is to work with authors, publishers, or other businesses in the book industry. You can partner with them to promote audiobooks within your app by highlighting sponsored content in your library, offering exclusive deals or discounts to users, or collaborating on marketing campaigns to reach more people.

6.      Affiliate Marketing

You can earn money by partnering with e-commerce platforms or audiobook retailers as an affiliate. This means that you can promote audiobooks from these partners within your app, and when someone buys an audiobook through your referral, you earn a commission. It’s a great way to make some extra money while helping people discover new audiobooks.

7.      In-App Purchases

You can experience using an app by offering more options or special features that users can purchase within the app. For example, you could offer bundles of audiobooks, content that is only available to those who make the purchase, or merchandise that relates to audiobooks.Want To Know The Exact Cost to Develop Audiobook Apps Like Audible?

Final Words

You require a huge investment to make Audible like apps. Several factors affect the cost of app development. To get the best service, you must choose a genuine React Native App Development Company for a successful development process. If you want something extra then you must request our professional executives at eBizneeds.


How much does it cost to develop an app like Audible?

The time for Audible like app development can vary based on several factors like complexity, features, platform, and many more. Usually, a basic time for development with some important features would be between 5-6 months. If you want a feature-rich brand then it would take 10-12 months or even more.

What are the industries that can adopt audiobook apps?

Although many different industries can get audiobook apps developed. Some of many include e-learning, tourism, entertainment, and others.

What are different audiobook apps?

Audiobook apps are one of the most increasing items in the modern world and their craze is growing rapidly. If you also want to make money then you must get this app developed. Some of the most popular audiobook apps available in the market include Libby, Scribl, Audible, Chirp, LibriVox, Hoopla, and many more.

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